
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The spectacular Raymarks garden!

The spectacular Raymarks garden!
By Heaven Edmonds
  Ah!!! The Raymarks garden is surrounded by trees and bushes.  The Raymarks garden has wooden benches and a stone sign saying Raymarks garden.The Raymarks garden is outside the hall. The hall is room 8. The Raymarks garden is a garden of trees and bushes it also has lots of paths to walk on.
The Raymarks garden is a peaceful place. The Raymarks garden is such a shady place. I just love the Raymarks garden. It’s almost always quiet that's why I love the Raymarks garden best of all well it and the wall! I love the Raymarks garden as much as I love hanging out with my friends. Another thing I love about the Raymarks garden is that is normally so peaceful.
I love playing in the Raymarks garden but sometimes it gets abite cold!
I think the Raymarks garden should be in the new school. Everyone loves the Raymarks garden so pleeease can we have a Raymarks garden in the new school.